

AwareMedia: a shared interactive display supporting social, temporal, and spatial awareness in surgery

14 years 9 months ago
AwareMedia: a shared interactive display supporting social, temporal, and spatial awareness in surgery
Several CSCW studies have shown that coordination of work in hospitals is particular challenging, and that clinicians put much effort into maintaining mutual awareness on the flow of work. Despite these apparent challenges, very little work has been done to design technology which helps people coordinate highly cooperative work in such a critical setting. In this paper we propose a novel way of supporting coordination in this hectic and time-critical environment. AwareMedia is a system which promotes social, spatial, and temporal awareness in combination with a shared messaging system. AwareMedia runs on large interactive displays situated around the hospital, and it is designed especially to support coordination at an operation ward. We present the design, implementation, and deployment of AwareMedia and based on preliminary data from our on-going deployment, we discuss how AwareMedia is working in-situ. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.3 [Information Interfaces and Presentati...
Jakob E. Bardram, Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, Mads S&
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CSCW
Authors Jakob E. Bardram, Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, Mads Søgaard
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