

On the Axiomatizability of Ready Traces, Ready Simulation, and Failure Traces

14 years 8 months ago
On the Axiomatizability of Ready Traces, Ready Simulation, and Failure Traces
We provide an answer to an open question, posed by van Glabbeek [4], regarding the axiomatizability of ready trace semantics. We prove that if the alphabet of actions is finite, then there exists a (sound and complete) finite equational axiomatization for the process algebra BCCSP modulo ready trace semantics. We prove that if the alphabet is infinite, then such an axiomatization does not exist. Furthermore, we present finite equational axiomatizations for BCCSP modulo ready simulation and failure trace semantics, for arbitrary sets of actions.
Stefan Blom, Wan Fokkink, Sumit Nain
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Stefan Blom, Wan Fokkink, Sumit Nain
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