

Axiomatizing Binding Bigraphs

14 years 2 months ago
Axiomatizing Binding Bigraphs
We axiomatize the congruence relation for binding bigraphs and prove that the generated theory is complete. In doing so, we define a normal form for binding bigraphs, and prove that it is unique up to certain isomorphisms. Our work builds on Milner's axioms for pure bigraphs. We have extended the set of axioms with five new axioms concerned with binding, and we have altered some of Milner's axioms for ions, because ions in binding bigraphs have names on both their inner and outer faces. The resulting theory is a conservative extension of Milner's for pure bigraphs.
Troels Christoffer Damgaard, Lars Birkedal
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where NJC
Authors Troels Christoffer Damgaard, Lars Birkedal
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