This paper considers the problem of extending the single antenna power measurements based direction finding to the two-dimensional (2D) case, and proposes a method to estimate the azimuth-elevation direction-of-arrival (DOA) from a matrix of received power. Exploiting the fact that the azimuth-elevation antenna pattern is 2D bandlimited, the problem can be transformed into a 2D spectral analysis problem. The proposed method first decomposes the 2D spectral analysis problem into one-dimensional case and then solved them independently. As the solution does not ensure that the estimated azimuth and elevation is in correct order, the solution is subjected to permutation ambiguity. This can then be solved by finding the permutation that best matches the 2D spectral representation. Simulation results demonstrating the high-resolution capability of the proposed method in two-source case and the effectiveness in fivesource case are also presented in this paper.