

B2[ g] Sets and a Conjecture of Schinzel and Schmidt

14 years 22 days ago
B2[ g] Sets and a Conjecture of Schinzel and Schmidt
A set of integers A is called a B2[g] set if every integer m has at most g representations of the form m = a + a , with a a and a, a A. We obtain a new lower bound for F(g, n), the largest cardinality of a B2[g] set in {1, . . . , n}. More precisely, we prove that lim infn F (g,n) gn 2 - g where g 0 when g . We show a connection between this problem and another one discussed by Schinzel and Schmidt which can be considered its continuous version.
Javier Cilleruelo, Carlos Vinuesa
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CPC
Authors Javier Cilleruelo, Carlos Vinuesa
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