

A Bachelor and Master Theses Portal : Specific Needs and Business Opportunities for the DoKS Repository Tool

14 years 4 months ago
A Bachelor and Master Theses Portal : Specific Needs and Business Opportunities for the DoKS Repository Tool
A few years ago a portal for bachelor and master theses from Flemish university colleges was established by means of the open source repository software DoKS. At present approximately 3500 theses from Flemish university colleges are available online. The growing use of the portal has led to a new communication stream that requires supervision and maintenance. Social software components amongst others are or will be integrated in the portal to give users a platform to perform tasks such as communicate, annotate and advertise. Although different local DoKS repositories and the concept of the DoKS application are similar to repositories and tools within the scientific community, the scope and the aim of a theses repository for university colleges are different. The main part of the database consists of applied research and the majority theses comprise trainee reports. Thus, in addition to students and instructors, the portal is attractive to key players in industry, non-profit institutio...
Rudi Baccarne
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Rudi Baccarne
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