

Balancing Transactions in Practical Dialogues

14 years 5 months ago
Balancing Transactions in Practical Dialogues
In this paper a theory of dialogue acts analysis in problem-solving tasks-oriented conversations is presented. The theory postulates that in practical dialogues every transaction has a component in the obligations and the common ground planes of expression, and contributions made by dialogue acts making a "charge" in the transaction should be "balanced" by contributions making the corresponding "credit", and a complete transaction is balanced in both of these planes. In addition, transactions have a structure which constraints strongly the realization of dialogue acts. A dialogue act tagging methodology based on the theory is also presented. The theory and its related methodology have been applied to the analysis of a multimodal corpus in a design task, and the figures of the agreement reached in the preliminary experiments are presented.
Luis Cortés, Hayde Castellanos, Sergio Rafa
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Luis Cortés, Hayde Castellanos, Sergio Rafael Coria Olguin, Varinia Estrada, Fernanda López, Isabel López, Ivan Meza, Iván Moreno, Patricia Pérez, Carlos Rodríguez
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