

Bantam: a customizable, java-based, classroom compiler

14 years 24 days ago
Bantam: a customizable, java-based, classroom compiler
This paper introduces the Bantam Java compiler project, a new language and compiler designed specifically for the classroom. Bantam Java, the source programming language, is a small subset of the Java language, which is a commonlyused language in introductory programming courses. Because Bantam Java is similar to Java, it leverages the student's existing intuition and the student can automatically apply what they learn in the course directly to Java. The Bantam Java project is also customizable (it supports several tools and targets), which gives instructors flexibility in designing course assignments. Finally, the Bantam Java compiler project includes a free, comprehensive, student manual, which can be used in conjunction with any compiler textbook. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.4 [Programming Languages]: Processors--compilers General Terms Languages, Design Keywords Bantam Java
Marc L. Corliss, E. Christopher Lewis
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Marc L. Corliss, E. Christopher Lewis
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