

A Bayesian Approach to Unsupervised Feature Selection and Density Estimation Using Expectation Propagation

15 years 2 months ago
A Bayesian Approach to Unsupervised Feature Selection and Density Estimation Using Expectation Propagation
We propose an approximate Bayesian approach for unsupervised feature selection and density estimation, where the importance of the features for clustering is used as the measure for feature selection. Traditional maximumlikelihood (ML) model-parameter optimization schemes estimate the feature saliencies for a fixed model structure (i.e., a fixed number of clusters). In practice, the number of clusters present in the data for mixture-based modeling is unknown. In an ML framework, the number of clusters typically needs to be ascertained prior to estimating the feature saliencies. We propose a density estimation scheme that addresses model complexity (number of clusters present) and model-parameter estimation (feature saliencies) in a single optimization framework. The approximate Bayesian approach presented here, based on the expectation propagation method, obtains a full posterior distribution on the saliency of the features, along with full posterior distribution of other model parame...
Shaorong Chang, Nilanjan Dasgupta, Lawrence Carin
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 12 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CVPR
Authors Shaorong Chang, Nilanjan Dasgupta, Lawrence Carin
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