

Bayesian Approaches to Motion-Based Image and Video Segmentation

14 years 7 months ago
Bayesian Approaches to Motion-Based Image and Video Segmentation
We present a variational approach for segmenting the image plane into regions of piecewise parametric motion given two or more frames from an image sequence. Our model is based on a conditional probability for the spatio-temporal image gradient, given a particular velocity model, and on a geometric prior on the estimated motion field favoring motion boundaries of minimal length. We cast the problem of motion segmentation as one of Bayesian inference, we derive a cost functional which depends on parametric motion models for each of a set of domains and on the boundary separating them. The resulting functional can be interpreted as an extension of the Mumford-Shah functional from intensity segmentation to motion segmentation. In contrast to most alternative approaches, the problems of segmentation and motion estimation are jointly solved by continuous minimization of a single functional. Minimization results in an eigenvalue problem for the motion parameters and in a gradient descent ev...
Daniel Cremers
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where IWCM
Authors Daniel Cremers
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