

To be fair or efficient or a bit of both

14 years 20 days ago
To be fair or efficient or a bit of both
Introducing a new concept of (, )-fairness, which allows for a bounded fairness compromise, so that a source is allocated a rate neither less than 0 1, nor more than 1, times its fair share, this paper provides a framework to optimize efficiency (utilization, throughput or revenue) subject to fairness constraints in a general telecommunications network for an arbitrary fairness criterion and cost functions. We formulate a non-linear program (NLP) that finds the optimal bandwidth allocation by maximizing efficiency subject to (, )-fairness constraints. This leads to what we call an efficiency-fairness function, which shows the benefit in efficiency as a function of the extent to which fairness is compromised. To solve the NLP we use two algorithms. The first is a well known branch-and-bound-based algorithm called Lipschitz Global Optimization and the second is a recently developed algorithm called Algorithm for Global Optimization Problems (AGOP). We demonstrate the applicability ...
Moshe Zukerman, Musa Mammadov, Liansheng Tan, Irad
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where COR
Authors Moshe Zukerman, Musa Mammadov, Liansheng Tan, Iradj Ouveysi, Lachlan L. H. Andrew
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