

BeeIP: Bee-Inspired Protocol for Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

14 years 1 months ago
BeeIP: Bee-Inspired Protocol for Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
We introduce a new bee-inspired routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. Emphasis is given to the ability of bees to evaluate paths by considering several quality factors. In order to achieve similar behaviour in the networking environment, BeeIP is using cross-layering. Fetching parameters from the lower PHY and MAC layers to the core of the protocol, offers the artificial bees the ability to make predictions about the link’s future performance. Our approach is compared with two well-known routing protocols in the area, the destination sequenced distance-vector protocol (DSDV), and the adaptive on-demand distance vector protocol (AODV). The outcome shows that BeeIP achieves higher data delivery rates and less control overhead than DSDV, and slightly better results compared to AODV, initializing less route discovery processes. Key words: Bee-Inspired, Network, Routing, Cross-Layer, MANETs.
Alexandros Giagkos, Myra S. Wilson
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SAB
Authors Alexandros Giagkos, Myra S. Wilson
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