

Behavioral Intention Model for the Exchange Mode Internet Music Piracy

14 years 5 months ago
Behavioral Intention Model for the Exchange Mode Internet Music Piracy
In recent years, with the rapid growth of the Internet, the situation of Internet music piracy has become increasingly serious. In particular, the exchange mode of music downloading as a form of peer-to-peer electronic commerce is gaining fast acceptance in the user community. However, the exchange mode of music downloading is also particularly prone to being misused for music piracy. It is therefore important to understand the factors affecting users’ behavioral intention to use the exchange mode Internet music piracy (EMIMP). The identification of such factors and their relative importance can help formulation of more effective strategy for deterring music piracy through the exchange mode of downloading. This paper empirically tests the research model by explaining the behavioral intention of EMIMP, identifying the relevant antecedent factors and the processes involved. The role of deterrence and perceived equitable relationship in EMIMP has been established both theoretically and...
Timothy C. H. Kwong, Matthew K. O. Lee
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Timothy C. H. Kwong, Matthew K. O. Lee
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