

Benchmarking triple stores with biological data

13 years 9 months ago
Benchmarking triple stores with biological data
We have compared the performance of five non-commercial triple stores, Virtuoso-open source, Jena SDB, Jena TDB, SWIFT-OWLIM and 4Store. We examined three performance aspects: the query execution time, scalability and run-to-run reproducibility. The queries we chose addressed different ontological or biological topics, and we obtained evidence that individual store performance was quite query specific. We identified three groups of queries displaying similar behavior across the different stores: 1) relatively short response time, 2) moderate response time and 3) relatively long response time. OWLIM proved to be a winner in the first group, 4Store in the second and Virtuoso in the third. Our benchmarking showed Virtuoso to be a very balanced performer
Vladimir Mironov, Nirmala Seethappan, Ward Blond&e
Added 01 Mar 2011
Updated 01 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Vladimir Mironov, Nirmala Seethappan, Ward Blondé, Erick Antezana, Bjorn Lindi, Martin Kuiper
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