

On the Benefits of Speech and Touch Interaction with Communication Services for Mobility Impaired Users

13 years 12 days ago
On the Benefits of Speech and Touch Interaction with Communication Services for Mobility Impaired Users
Although technology for communication has evolved tremendously over the past decades, mobility impaired individuals still face many difficulties interacting with communication services, either due to HCI issues or intrinsic design problems with the services. In this paper we present the results of a usability study, conducted with a group of five mobility impaired users, comprising paraplegic and quadriplegic individuals. The study participants carried out a set of tasks with a multimodal (speech, touch, gesture, keyboard and mouse) and multiplatform (mobile, desktop) prototype, offering an integrated access to communication and entertainment services, such as email, agenda, conferencing and social media. The prototype was designed to take into account the requirements captured from these users, with the objective of evaluating if the use of multimodal interfaces for communication and social media services, could improve the interaction with such services. Our study revealed that a mul...
Carlos Galinho Pires, Fernando Miguel Pinto, Eduar
Added 13 Dec 2011
Updated 13 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Carlos Galinho Pires, Fernando Miguel Pinto, Eduarda Mendes Rodrigues, Miguel Sales Dias
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