

Between us and them: building connectedness within civic networks

12 years 8 months ago
Between us and them: building connectedness within civic networks
Civic networks of community-based organizations face significant challenges in working together to combat issues facing their community (e.g., gang violence, sex trafficking). In our research, we examined how local organizations tried to build and maintain connectedness over time as a network to fight child sex trafficking. We sought to understand how technology supports the social processes of connectedness in this context. Based on our analysis of the field data from this case study, we identify three categories of activities for building and maintaining connectedness. We also find that while different technologies are suited towards supporting different aspects of connectedness, there may be gaps in how adequately social media tools support connectedness in civic networks. Author Keywords Interorganizational collaboration, civic networks ACM Classification Keywords K4.2. Social Issues: Miscellaneous General Terms Human Factors, Design
Jennifer Stoll, W. Keith Edwards, Kirsten A. Foot
Added 21 Apr 2012
Updated 21 Apr 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where CSCW
Authors Jennifer Stoll, W. Keith Edwards, Kirsten A. Foot
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