

Bilevel programming for analysis of low-complexity control of linear systems with constraints

14 years 5 months ago
Bilevel programming for analysis of low-complexity control of linear systems with constraints
— In this paper we use bilevel programming to find the maximum difference between a reference controller and a low-complexity controller in terms of the infinitynorm difference of their control laws. A nominal MPC for linear systems with constraints, and a robust MPC for linear systems with bounded additive noise are considered as reference controllers. For possible low-complexity controllers we discuss partial enumeration (PE), Voronoi/closest point, triangulation, linear controller with saturation, and others. A small difference in the norm between a low-complexity controller and a robust MPC may be used to guarantee closed-loop stability of the low-complexity controller and indicate that the behaviour or performance of the low-complexity controller will be similar to that of the reference one. We further discuss how bilevel programming may be used for closed-loop analysis of model reduction.
Henrik Manum, Colin Neil Jones, Johan Löfberg
Added 21 Jul 2010
Updated 21 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CDC
Authors Henrik Manum, Colin Neil Jones, Johan Löfberg, Manfred Morari, Sigurd Skogestad
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