

A binary Particle Swarm Optimization approach to fault diagnosis in parallel and distributed systems

14 years 1 months ago
A binary Particle Swarm Optimization approach to fault diagnosis in parallel and distributed systems
— The efficient diagnosis of hardware and software faults in parallel and distributed systems remains a challenge in today’s most prolific decentralized environments. System-level fault diagnosis is concerned with the identification of all faulty components among a set of hundreds (or even thousands) of interconnected units, usually by thoroughly examining a collection of test outcomes carried out by the nodes under a specific test model. This task has non-polynomial complexity and can be posed as a combinatorial optimization problem. Here, we apply a binary version of the Particle Swarm Optimization meta-heuristic approach to solve the system-level fault diagnosis problem (BPSO-FD) under the invalidation and comparison diagnosis models. Our method is computationally simpler than those already published in literature and, according to our empirical results, BPSO-FD quickly and reliably identifies the true ensemble of faulty units and scales well for large parallel and distribu...
Rafael Falcón, Marcio Almeida, Amiya Nayak
Added 13 Jan 2011
Updated 13 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CEC
Authors Rafael Falcón, Marcio Almeida, Amiya Nayak
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