Bio-Fi is a collection of art projects undertaken by S.W.A.M.P. (Studies of Work Atmospheres and Mass Production), collaborative art projects by Douglas Easterly and Matt Kenyon. S.W.A.M.P. projects attempt to find creative expression within elements of culture that are inherently counter-creative. The Bio-Fi series utilizes physical computing technology to access patterns and relationships surrounding a corporation, that couldn’t be seen using any other medium. The field of ‘bi otelemetry’ res earch es way s of gat herin g vit al phy siolo gical dat a fro m liv ing org anisms through transpon ders (wo rn or imp lanted), whi ch rel ay informat ion to remote hardware [1]. With all biotelemetric applications, it is integral that the transponder-bearing subject is a synecdoche for its larger social group. In this respect, BioFi projects are a sort of ‘inverse-biotelemetry’. Test subjects are not released into a natural environment, but trapped within a synthetic environment who...