

BioBench: A Benchmark Suite of Bioinformatics Applications

14 years 7 months ago
BioBench: A Benchmark Suite of Bioinformatics Applications
Recent advances in bioinformatics and the significant increase in computational power available to researchers have made it possible to make better use of the vast amounts of genetic data that has been collected over the last two decades. As the uses of genetic data expand to include drug discovery and development of gene-based therapies, bioinformatics is destined to take its place in the forefront of scientific computing application domains. Despite the clear importance of this field, common bioinformatics applications and their implication on microarchitectural design have received scant attention from the computer architecture community so far. The availability of a common set of bioinformatics benchmarks could be the first step to motivate further research in this crucial area. To this end, this paper presents BioBench, a benchmark suite that represents a diverse set of bioinformatics applications. The first version of BioBench includes applications from different application dom...
Kursad Albayraktaroglu, Aamer Jaleel, Xue Wu, Mano
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Kursad Albayraktaroglu, Aamer Jaleel, Xue Wu, Manoj Franklin, Bruce L. Jacob, Chau-Wen Tseng, Donald Yeung
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