

The bipartite clique: a topological paradigm for WWWeb user search customization

14 years 6 months ago
The bipartite clique: a topological paradigm for WWWeb user search customization
Web user search customization research has been fueled by the recognition that if the WWW is to attain to its optimal potential as an interactive medium the development of new and/or improved Web resource classification (page identification, referencing, indexing, etc) and retrieval/delivery systems supportive of and responsive to user preference is of prime importance. User preference, as it relates to a Web user’s search agenda, entails maintaining the user as director of his search and expert as to which Web pages are relevant. In our work Web usage and Web structure mining are employed in a theoretically skillful way to produce a strongly connected virtual bipartite clique (biclique) search neighborhood of high quality pages of relevance to the Web user’s search objective. Our algorithm is designed to exploit linkage data inherent in Web access logs using the Combined Log Format (CBLF) to assemble a referer partite set of pages consistent with the user’s preference and searc...
Brenda F. Miles, Vir V. Phoha
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Brenda F. Miles, Vir V. Phoha
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