

Blind Authentication Using Periodic Properties of Interpolation

14 years 25 days ago
Blind Authentication Using Periodic Properties of Interpolation
In this paper we analyze and analytically describe the specific statistical changes brought into the covariance structure of signal by the interpolation process. We show that interpolated signals and their derivatives contain specific detectable periodic properties. Based on this, we propose a blind, efficient and automatic method capable of finding traces of resampling and interpolation. The proposed method can be very useful in many areas, especially in image security and authentication. For instance, when two or more images are spliced together, to create high quality and consistent image forgeries, almost always geometric transformations such as scaling, rotation or skewing are needed. These procedures are typically based on a resampling and interpolation step. By having a method capable of detecting the traces of resampling, we can significantly reduce the successful usage of such forgeries. Among other points, the presented method is also very useful in estimation of the geometri...
Babak Mahdian, Stanislav Saic
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TIFS
Authors Babak Mahdian, Stanislav Saic
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