

Block Detection of Multiple Symbol DPSK in a Statistically Unknown Time-Varying Channel

14 years 7 months ago
Block Detection of Multiple Symbol DPSK in a Statistically Unknown Time-Varying Channel
—We present a detection scheme for multiple-symbol DPSK for use in a statistically unknown time-varying channel. The scheme relies on a parametric representation of the timevarying channel, resulting in a reduction in the number of parameters required to be determined by optimizing a maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) type cost function. We also present a reduced-complexity version of the detection scheme based on sphere decoding. Analysis and simulations show good performance in Rayleigh fading over varying degrees of channel time-variation for an appropriately selected channel parameterization.
Nathan Ricklin, James R. Zeidler
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICC
Authors Nathan Ricklin, James R. Zeidler
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