

Blumenthal's Theorem for Laurent Orthogonal Polynomials

14 years 9 days ago
Blumenthal's Theorem for Laurent Orthogonal Polynomials
We investigate polynomials satisfying a three-term recurrence relation of the form Bn(x) = (x - n)Bn-1(x) - nxBn-2(x), with positive recurrence coefficients n+1, n (n = 1, 2, . . .). We show that the zeros are eigenvalues of a structured Hessenberg matrix and give the left and right eigenvectors of this matrix, from which we deduce Laurent orthogonality and the Gaussian quadrature formula. We analyse in more detail the case where n and n and show that the zeros of Bn are dense on an interval and that the support of the Laurent orthogonality measure is equal to this interval and a set which is at most denumerable with accumulation points (if any) at the endpoints of the interval. This result is the Laurent version of Blumenthal's theorem for orthogonal polynomials.
A. Sri Ranga, Walter Van Assche
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where JAT
Authors A. Sri Ranga, Walter Van Assche
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