

BOF4WSS: A Business-Oriented Framework for Enhancing Web Services Security for e-Business

14 years 7 months ago
BOF4WSS: A Business-Oriented Framework for Enhancing Web Services Security for e-Business
When considering Web services’ (WS) use for online business-to-business (B2B) collaboration between companies, security is a complicated and very topical issue. This is especially true with regard to reaching a level of security beyond the technological layer, that is supported and trusted by all businesses involved. With appreciation of this fact, our research draws from established development methodologies to develop a new, business-oriented framework (BOF4WSS) to guide e-businesses in defining, and achieving agreed security levels across these collaborating enterprises. The approach envisioned is such that it can be used by businesses—in a joint manner—to manage the comprehensive concern that security in the WS environment has become.
Jason R. C. Nurse, Jane Sinclair
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICIW
Authors Jason R. C. Nurse, Jane Sinclair
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