

Booting clock synchronization in partially synchronous systems with hybrid process and link failures

14 years 2 months ago
Booting clock synchronization in partially synchronous systems with hybrid process and link failures
This paper provides description and analysis of a new clock synchronization algorithm for synchronous and partially synchronous systems with unknown upper and lower bounds on delays. It is purely message-driven, timer-free and relies on a hybrid failure model incorporating both process and link failures, in both time and value domain. Unlike existing solutions, our algorithm works during both system start-up and normal operation: Whereas bounded precision (the mutual deviation of any two clocks) can always be guaranteed, accuracy (clocks being within a linear envelope of real-time) and hence progress is only ensured when sufficiently many correct processes are eventually up and running. By means of a detailed analysis, we provide formulas for resilience, precision and envelope bounds. Keywords Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms – Initial Clock Synchronization – System Start-up – Hybrid Failure Models – Link Failures – Partially Synchronous Systems
Josef Widder, Ulrich Schmid
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where DC
Authors Josef Widder, Ulrich Schmid
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