

Bounded-concurrent secure multi-party computation with a dishonest majority

15 years 22 days ago
Bounded-concurrent secure multi-party computation with a dishonest majority
We show how to securely realize any multi-party functionality in a way that preserves security under an a-priori bounded number of concurrent executions, regardless of the number of corrupted parties. Previous protocols for the above task either rely on set-up assumptions such as a Common Reference String, or require an honest majority. Our constructions are in the plain model and rely on standard intractability assumptions (enhanced trapdoor permutations and collision resistant hash functions). Even though our main focus is on feasibility of concurrent multi-party computation we actually obtain a protocol using only a constant number of communication rounds. As a consequence our protocol yields the first construction of constant-round stand-alone secure multi-party computation with a dishonest majority, proven secure under standard (polynomial-time) hardness assumptions; previous solutions to this task either require logarithmic round-complexity, or subexponential hardness assumption...
Rafael Pass
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where STOC
Authors Rafael Pass
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