

Bounding Prefix Transposition Distance for Strings and Permutations

14 years 6 months ago
Bounding Prefix Transposition Distance for Strings and Permutations
A transposition is an operation that exchanges two adjacent substrings. When it is restricted so that one of the substrings is a prefix, it is called a prefix transposition. The prefix transposition distance between a pair of strings (permutations) is the shortest sequence of prefix transpositions required to transform a given string (permutation) into another given string (permutation). This problem is a variation of the transposition distance problem, related to genome rearrangements. An upper bound of n-1 and a lower bound of n/2 are known. We improve the bounds to nlog8 n and 2n/3 respectively. We also give upper and lower bounds for the prefix transposition distance on strings. For example, n/2 prefix transpositions are always sufficient for binary strings. We also prove that the exact prefix transposition distance problem on strings is NP complete.
Bhadrachalam Chitturi, Ivan Hal Sudborough
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Bhadrachalam Chitturi, Ivan Hal Sudborough
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