

Bounds and Heuristics for the Shortest Capacitated Paths Problem

14 years 2 months ago
Bounds and Heuristics for the Shortest Capacitated Paths Problem
Given a graph G, the Shortest Capacitated Paths Problem (SCPP) consists of determining a set of paths of least total length, linking given pairs of vertices in G, and satisfying capacity constraints on the arcs of G. We formulate the SCPP as a 0-1 linear program and study two Lagrangian relaxations for getting lower bounds on the optimal value. We then propose two heuristic methods. The first one is based on a greedy approach, while the second one is an adaptation of the tabu search meta-heuristic. Key Words: minimum cost integer multicommodity flow problem, bandwidth packing problem, Lagrangian relaxation, tabu search
Marie-Christine Costa, Alain Hertz, Michel Mittaz
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Marie-Christine Costa, Alain Hertz, Michel Mittaz
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