

Breeze: A modeling tool for designing, analyzing, and improving software architecture

8 years 9 months ago
Breeze: A modeling tool for designing, analyzing, and improving software architecture
Abstract—One of the key challenges in the software engineering lies in requirement engineering. As an important technique for modeling and analyzing requirements, software architecture has been intensively studied in recent years. Although various modeling tools have been proposed in both academy and industry, these tools typically provide limited support for analyzing nonfunctional requirements at architecture level. To address this problem, in this tool demo, we present a tool, called Breeze, that models, analyzes, and improves software architecture, with an emphasis on its non-functional requirements. In particular, Breeze has three key modules: (1) a modeling module that facilitates the modeling for software systems, (2) an analysis module that verifies non-functional requirements (e.g. safety, reliability and correctness) at the architecture level, and (3) a reconfiguration module that allows users to repair defects or to further improve architectures.
Luxi Chen, Linpeng Huang, Hao Zhong, Chen Li 0009,
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where RE
Authors Luxi Chen, Linpeng Huang, Hao Zhong, Chen Li 0009, Xiwen Wu
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