

Bridging Language-Based and Process Calculi Security

14 years 8 months ago
Bridging Language-Based and Process Calculi Security
Language-based and process calculi-based information security are well developed fields of computer security. Although these fields have much in common, it is somewhat surprising that the literature lacks a comprehensive account of a formal link between the two disciplines. This paper develops such a link between a language-based specification of security and a process-algebraic framework for security properties. Encoding imperative programs into a CCSlike process calculus, we show that timing-sensitive security for these programs exactly corresponds to the well understood process-algebraic security property of persistent bisimulation-based nondeducibility on compositions (È Æ ). This rigorous connection opens up possibilities for cross-fertilization, leading to both flexible policies when specifying the security of heterogeneous systems and to a synergy of techniques for enforcing security specifications.
Riccardo Focardi, Sabina Rossi, Andrei Sabelfeld
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Riccardo Focardi, Sabina Rossi, Andrei Sabelfeld
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