

Brief announcement: global consistency can be easier than point-to-point communication

15 years 1 months ago
Brief announcement: global consistency can be easier than point-to-point communication
Global consistency or Byzantine Agreement (BA) and reliable point-to-point communication are two of the most important and well-studied problems in distributed computing. Informally, BA is about maintaining a consistent view of the world among all the non-faulty players in the presence of faults. In a synchronous network over n nodes of which up to any t are corrupted by a Byzantine adversary, BA is possible only if all pair point-to-point reliable communication is possible [Dol82, DDWY93]. Specifically, in the standard unauthenticated model, (2t + 1)-connectivity is necessary whereas in the authenticated setting (t + 1)connectivity is required. Thus, a folklore is that maintaining global consistency is at least as hard as the problem of all pair point-to-point communication. Equivalently, it is widely believed that protocols for BA over incomplete graphs exist only if it is possible to simulate an overlay-ed complete graph. Surprisingly, we show that the folklore is far from true -- ...
Prasant Gopal, Anuj Gupta, Pranav K. Vasishta, Piy
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where PODC
Authors Prasant Gopal, Anuj Gupta, Pranav K. Vasishta, Piyush Bansal, Kannan Srinathan
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