

Building a standpoints web to support decision-making in wikipedia

12 years 8 months ago
Building a standpoints web to support decision-making in wikipedia
Although the Web enables large-scale collaboration, its potential to support group decision-making has not been fully exploited. My research aims to analyze, extract, and represent disagreement in purposeful social web conversations. This supports decision-making in distributed groups by representing individuals' claims and their justifications in a "Standpoints Web", a hypertext web interlinking the claims and justifications made throughout the social web. The two main contributions of my dissertation are an architecture for the Standpoints Web and a case study implementing the Standpoints Web for Wikipedia's deletion discussions. Keywords Online argumentation, Collaboration, Wikipedia, Decision Rationale, Deliberation, Sensemaking
Jodi Schneider
Added 21 Apr 2012
Updated 21 Apr 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where CSCW
Authors Jodi Schneider
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