

Building Sustainable Interest in Modelling in the Classroom

14 years 4 months ago
Building Sustainable Interest in Modelling in the Classroom
System Dynamics has had a tough time breaking into High Schools. Like all good ideas the most difficult part is convincing those who would most benefit that this new approach is in their self interest. When system dynamics is only presented as a computer based tool, most teachers will not try it. When we introduce systems methodologies in a way that focuses on the richer, softer and more human side, teachers start to simulate more quickly. Learning the "System Dynamics Way" is in fact introducing a changed relationship of learner, teacher and subject material. Five strategies that have been practiced in three countries will be presented in detail. Systems Thinking can help to build a sustainable learning process. The three distinct parts of the classic learning S-curve that can be represented as "curriculums" are: build Passion slowly, accelerate learning through Risk taking and consolidate understanding by Reflection. Using computer models is the goal because comp...
Gordon Kubanek
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Gordon Kubanek
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