

Building a Web Corpus of Czech

14 years 1 months ago
Building a Web Corpus of Czech
Large corpora are essential to modern methods of computational linguistics and natural language processing. In this paper, we describe an ongoing project whose aim is to build a largest corpus of Czech texts. We are building the corpus from Czech Internet web pages, using (and, if needed, developing) advanced downloading, cleaning and automatic linguistic processing tools. Our concern is to keep the whole process language independent and thus applicable also for building web corpora of other languages. In the paper, we briefly describe the crawling, cleaning, and part-of-speech tagging procedures. Using a prototype corpus, we provide a comparison with a current corpora (in particular, SYN2005, part of the Czech National Corpora). We analyse part-of-speech tag distribution, OOV word ratio, average sentence length and Spearman rank correlation coefficient of the distance of ranks of 500 most frequent words. Our results show that our prototype corpus is now quite homogenous. The challeng...
Drahomíra "johanka" Spoustová, Miros
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where LREC
Authors Drahomíra "johanka" Spoustová, Miroslav Spousta, Pavel Pecina
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