

On the burstiness of visual elements

15 years 7 months ago
On the burstiness of visual elements
Burstiness, a phenomenon initially observed in text re- trieval, is the property that a given visual element appears more times in an image than a statistically independent model would predict. In the context of image search, bursti- ness corrupts the visual similarity measure, i.e., the scores used to rank the images. In this paper, we propose a strat- egy to handle visual bursts for bag-of-features based im- age search systems. Experimental results on three reference datasets show that our method significantly and consistently outperforms the state of the art.
Herve Jegou (INRIA), Matthijs Douze (INRIA), Corde
Added 09 May 2009
Updated 10 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CVPR
Authors Herve Jegou (INRIA), Matthijs Douze (INRIA), Cordelia Schmid (INRIA)
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