

Cache modeling and optimization for portable devices running MPEG-4 video decoder

14 years 17 days ago
Cache modeling and optimization for portable devices running MPEG-4 video decoder
Abstract There are increasing demands on portable communication devices to run multimedia applications. ISO (an International Organization for Standardization) standard MPEG-4 is an important and demanding multimedia application. To satisfy the growing consumer demands, more functions are added to support MPEG-4 video applications. With improved CPU speed, memory sub-system deficiency is the major barrier to improving the system pertbrmance. Studies show that there is sufficient reuse of values for caching that significantly reduce the memory bandwidth requirement for video data. Software decoding of MPEG-4 video data generates much more cache-memory traffic than required. Proper understanding of the decoding algorithm and the composition of its data set is obvious to improve the performance of such a system. The locus of this paper is cache modeling and optimization for portable communication devices running MPEG-4 video decoding algorithm. The architecture we simulate includes a digi...
Abu Asaduzzaman, Imad Mahgoub
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where MTA
Authors Abu Asaduzzaman, Imad Mahgoub
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