

CAD Tool for Burn Diagnosis

14 years 7 months ago
CAD Tool for Burn Diagnosis
In this paper, a novel region growing algorithm for segmenting burn wounds in digital photographs of the skin is presented. This segmentation step has been developed as part of a CAD tool for burn diagnosis. During the region growing the inclusion condition relies on a tolerance parameter, which is adaptively determined. It initially has a low value and this is recursively increased until a stop condition is reached. This condition is based on the analysis of the statistical distribution of the pixels within the grown region. The great advantage of the method is that it does not rely on fine-tune parameters. The algorithm has been tested with 44 images of burn wounds obtaining very good results. Its performance has been measured quantitatively by comparing it with a ground truth obtained from the manual segmentation of five experts. I. INTRODUCCIÓN Para la correcta evolución de una quemadura es esencial aplicar el tratamiento inicial adecuado según la profundidad de la misma [1]. La...
Begoña Acha, Carmen Serrano, José I.
Added 07 Jul 2010
Updated 07 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where IPMI
Authors Begoña Acha, Carmen Serrano, José I. Acha, Laura M. Roa
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