

Camera Scheduling and Energy Allocation for Lifetime Maximization in User-Centric Visual Sensor Networks

13 years 7 months ago
Camera Scheduling and Energy Allocation for Lifetime Maximization in User-Centric Visual Sensor Networks
We explore camera scheduling and energy allocation strategies for lifetime optimization in image sensor networks. For the application scenarios that we consider, visual coverage over a monitored region is obtained by deploying wireless, battery-powered image sensors. Each sensor camera provides coverage over a part of the monitored region and a central processor coordinates the sensors in order to gather required visual data. For the purpose of maximizing the network operational lifetime, we consider two problems in this setting: a) camera scheduling, i.e., the selection, among available possibilities, of a set of cameras providing the desired coverage at each time instance, and b) energy allocation, i.e., the distribution of total available energy between the camera sensor nodes. We model the network lifetime as a stochastic random variable that depends upon the coverage geometry for the sensors and the distribution of data requests over the monitored region, two key characteristics t...
Chao Yu, Gaurav Sharma
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TIP
Authors Chao Yu, Gaurav Sharma
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