

Cameras for Stereo Panoramic Imaging

15 years 3 months ago
Cameras for Stereo Panoramic Imaging
A panorama for visual stereo consists of a pair of panoramic images, where one panorama is for the left eye, and another panorama is for the right eye. A panoramic stereo pair provides a stereo sensation up to a full 360 degrees. A stereo panorama cannot be photographed by two omnidirectional cameras from two viewpoints. It is normally constructed by mosaicing together images from a rotating stereo pair, or from a single moving camera. Capturing stereo panoramic images by a rotating camera makes it impossible to capture dynamic scenes at video rates, and limits stereo panoramic imaging to stationary scenes. This paper presents two possibilities for capturing stereo panoramic images using optics, without any moving parts. A special mirror is introduced such that viewing the scene through this mirror creates the same rays as those used with the rotating cameras. Such a mirror enables the capture of stereo panoramic movies with a regular video camera. A lens for stereo panorama is also i...
Shmuel Peleg, Yael Pritch, Moshe Ben-Ezra
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 12 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where CVPR
Authors Shmuel Peleg, Yael Pritch, Moshe Ben-Ezra
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