

Can Mirror-Reading Reverse the Flow of Time?

14 years 7 days ago
Can Mirror-Reading Reverse the Flow of Time?
Abstract. Across cultures, people conceptualize time as if it flows along a horizontal timeline, but the direction of this implicit timeline is culture-specific: in cultures with left-to-right orthography (e.g., English-speaking cultures) time appears to flow rightward, but in cultures with right-to-left orthography (e.g., Arabic-speaking cultures) time flows leftward. Can orthography influence implicit time representations independent of other cultural and linguistic factors? Native Dutch speakers performed a space-time congruity task with the instructions and stimuli written in either standard Dutch or mirror-reversed Dutch. Participants in the Standard Dutch condition were fastest to judge past-oriented phrases by pressing the left button and future-oriented phrases by pressing the right button. Participants in the Mirror-Reversed Dutch condition showed the opposite pattern of reaction times, consistent with results found previously in native Arabic and Hebrew speakers. These result...
Daniel Casasanto, Roberto Bottini
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Daniel Casasanto, Roberto Bottini
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