

Capacity Bound-free Web Warehouse

14 years 3 months ago
Capacity Bound-free Web Warehouse
Web cache technologies have been developed as an extension of CPU cache, by modifying LRU (Least Recently Used) algorithms. Actually in web cache systems, we can use disks and tertiary storages since access time of disks (or even online tapes) is stillshorter than time required for retrieving web pages from origin severs. Thus, we can remove the restriction of cache size that has been the most severe condition for designing cache algorithms. We still need to determine the priority of data for efficient processing. In this paper, the concept of Capacity Bound-free Web Warehouse (CBFWW) will be introduced. There are the following assumptions in conventional web cache systems. (1) Priority of each object corresponding to web contents is simply determined by using queue. (2) Each object is independent. (3) Transparency of cache is assumed, where a user cannot know the contents. As the communication speed of the web is very slow, we can use complicated algorithms to determine the priority...
Yahiko Kambayashi, Kai Cheng
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CIDR
Authors Yahiko Kambayashi, Kai Cheng
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