

Capturing Common and Variable Design Aspects for Ubiquitous Computing with MB-UID

14 years 5 months ago
Capturing Common and Variable Design Aspects for Ubiquitous Computing with MB-UID
Developing user interfaces for ubiquitous environments is a challenging task. In such an environment, users can apply different devices to accomplish the same or different tasks. In order to support the users, there should be similarities between user interfaces on these different devices. Hence the user interfaces need to be homogenous. The user interface developer has to make sure that this requirement is fulfilled. There are two approaches; either to design the user interfaces separately or to find a way of defining common aspects once and then address device specific aspects separately. Since the homogeneity is difficult to reach with the first approach – let alone the fact that much effort and time need to be invested – this paper defines a concept for the second approach concentrating on applications in the production automation. Common and variable design aspects are discussed and a solution approach is presented. Keywords MB-UID, use model, user-interface model, Useware, u...
Alexander Boedcher, Kizito Mukasa, Detlef Zuelke
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where UML
Authors Alexander Boedcher, Kizito Mukasa, Detlef Zuelke
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