

Capturing Interaction Requirements in a Model Transformation Technology Based on MDA

14 years 12 days ago
Capturing Interaction Requirements in a Model Transformation Technology Based on MDA
: Currently, many models are used to capture functional software requirements. However, the Software Engineering community has faded interaction requirements into the background, dealing with interface mainly in design time. A sound MDA-compliant software development methodology, called OO-Method, is extended in this work to bridge this gap. The issue is to define a methodology for capturing interaction requirements. For this purpose, the formal notation ConcurTaskTrees (CTT) is used. This notation is a technique that is wellknown in the Human Computer Interaction community. A set of interaction patterns has been defined to build CTT models. These patterns are defined with a very precise syntax and semantics. Moreover, transformation rules are defined to transform the Task Model into the OO-Method Presentation Model, which specifies the user interface in an abstract and platformindependent way. However, since editing the CTT models is hard work, this paper proposes superimposing a laye...
José Ignacio Panach, Sergio España,
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JUCS
Authors José Ignacio Panach, Sergio España, Inés Pederiva, Oscar Pastor
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