

Cardinality Abstraction for Declarative Networking Applications

15 years 3 months ago
Cardinality Abstraction for Declarative Networking Applications
ity Abstraction for Declarative Networking Applications Juan A. Navarro P?erez, Andrey Rybalchenko, and Atul Singh Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) Declarative Networking is a recent, viable approach to make distributed programming easier, which is becoming increasingly popular in systems and networking community. It offers the programmer a declarative, rule-based language, called P2, for writing distributed applications stract, yet expressive way. This approach, however, imposes new challenges on analysis and verification methods when they are applied to P2 programs. Reasoning about P2 computations is beyond the scope of existing tools since it requires handling of program states defined in terms of collections of relations, which store the application data, together with multisets of tuples, which represent communication events in-flight. In er, we propose a cardinality abstraction technique that can be used to analyze and verify P2 programs. It keeps track of the ...
Andrey Rybalchenko, Atul Singh, Juan Antonio Navar
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CAV
Authors Andrey Rybalchenko, Atul Singh, Juan Antonio Navarro Pérez
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