

A case study in database reliability: component types, usage profiles, and testing

15 years 17 days ago
A case study in database reliability: component types, usage profiles, and testing
Data management lies at the core of most modern information technology deployments. Accordingly, the reliability of the database management system (DBMS) is critical to the reputation and success of both its vendors and their clients. However, there is a dearth of work in the literature focused on the reliability of the DBMS. More specifically, research is yet to be focused on the variables that influence DBMS reliability and the relationships between these variables. We present an initial case study focused on the relationships between component type, usage profiles, component size, component changes, component usage, and defect yield. The system under study is a distributed enterprise relational DBMS. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.4 [Software Engineering]: Software/Program ? reliability, validation. H.2.m [Database Management]: Miscellaneous. General Terms Measurement, Reliability, Verification. Keywords Database management system, testing, usage profiles, case study.
C. A. Taylor, Mechelle Gittens, Andriy V. Miransky
Added 08 Dec 2009
Updated 08 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors C. A. Taylor, Mechelle Gittens, Andriy V. Miranskyy
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