

A Case for Visualization-Integrated System-Level Design Space Exploration

14 years 6 months ago
A Case for Visualization-Integrated System-Level Design Space Exploration
Design space exploration plays an essential role in the system-level design of embedded systems. It is imperative therefore to have efficient and effective exploration tools in the early stages of design, where the design space is largest. System-level simulation frameworks that aim for early design space exploration create large volumes of simulation data in exploring alternative architectural solutions. Interpreting and drawing conclusions from these copious simulation results can be extremely cumbersome. In other domains that also struggle with interpreting large volumes of data, such as scientific computing, data visualization is an invaluable tool. Such visualization is often domain specific and has not become widely used in evaluating the results of computer architecture simulations. Surprisingly little research has been undertaken in the dynamic use of visualization to guide architectural design space exploration. In this paper, we plead for the study and development of gener...
Andy D. Pimentel
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Andy D. Pimentel
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