

Categorisation by Context

14 years 1 months ago
Categorisation by Context
Assistance in retrieving of documents on the World Wide Web is provided either by search engines, through keyword based queries, or by catalogues, which organise documents into hierarchical collections. Maintaining catalogues manually is becoming increasingly difficult due to the sheer amount of material, and therefore it will be necessary to resort to techniques for automatic classification of documents. Classification is traditionally performed by extracting information for indexing a document from the document itself. The paper describes the technique of categorisation by context, which exploits the context perceivable from the structure of HTML documents to extract useful information for classifying the documents they refer to. We present the results of experiments with a preliminary implementation of the technique.
Giuseppe Attardi, Sergio Di Marco, Davide Salvi
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Authors Giuseppe Attardi, Sergio Di Marco, Davide Salvi
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