

Categorization of seismic sources by auditory display: A blind test

8 years 6 months ago
Categorization of seismic sources by auditory display: A blind test
15 Recordings of the Earth’s surface oscillation as a function of time (seismograms) can be sonified by compressing time so that most of the signal’s frequency spectrum falls in the audible range. The pattern-recognition capabilities of the human auditory system can then be applied to the auditory analysis of seismic data. In this experiment, we sonify a set of seismograms associated with a magnitude-5.6 Oklahoma earthquake recorded at 17 broadband stations within a radius of ⇠300km from the epicenter, and a group of volunteers listen to our sonified seismic data set via headphones. Most of the subjects have never heard a sonified seismogram before. Given the lack of studies on this subject, we prefer to make no preliminary hypotheses on the categorization criteria employed by the listeners: we follow the “free categorization” approach, asking listeners to simply group sounds that they perceive as “similar.” We find that listeners tend to group together sonified seis...
Arthur Paté, Lapo Boschi, Jean-Loïc Le
Added 05 Apr 2016
Updated 05 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Authors Arthur Paté, Lapo Boschi, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benjamin Holtzman
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