

Causal Relation Extraction

14 years 3 months ago
Causal Relation Extraction
This paper presents a supervised method for the detection and extraction of Causal Relations from open domain text. First we give a brief outline of the definition of causation and how it relates to other Semantic Relations, as well as a characterization of their encoding. In this work, we only consider marked and explicit causations. Our approach first identifies the syntactic patterns that may encode a causation, then we use Machine Learning techniques to decide whether or not a pattern instance encodes a causation. We focus on the most productive pattern, a verb phrase followed by a relator and a clause, and its reverse version, a relator followed by a clause and a verb phrase. As relators we consider the words as, after, because and since. We present a set of lexical, syntactic and semantic features for the classification task, their rationale and some examples. The results obtained are discussed and the errors analyzed.
Eduardo Blanco, Núria Castell, Dan I. Moldo
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where LREC
Authors Eduardo Blanco, Núria Castell, Dan I. Moldovan
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